Oops, I did it again…

I have to confess: I broke my own cardinal rule again.You’ve probably heard me say that consistency is the most important thing when it comes to creating content and how failing to be consistent will compromise your results.What’s worse, once you break your consistent streak, it’s incredibly hard to get going again.Yet here I am: I went on holiday for a while and, despite my complete conviction that I’d keep up with my Talemaker articles and emails, they fell by the wayside.And it’s been tough to get my momentum back again.So, if nothing else, this article serves three purposes:

  • To help me kickstart my writing again
  • To let you know that consistency is a challenge for everyone (even someone who does it for a living) and that everybody slips, but it’s important to pick it back up
  • To encourage you to keep up the good work so you don’t lose your momentum