Skate to where the puck is going [7 trends I'm seeing and moves I'm making to celebrate 7 years of Talemaker]

Talemaker just turned seven.

Every business evolves over time, and as I look ahead lately, Wayne Gretzky’s quote keeps coming to mind:

“Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

So, rather than the retrospective analyses I typically share in these milestone moments, I thought I'd opt instead to talk about seven things I'm doing to try to intercept that proverbial puck in year eight.

1. Leaning into AI

When it comes to how AI will change content marketing, there's a general consensus that "it's too early to know for sure." I tend to agree, but I'm certain that it will.

AI's impact will certainly be felt on at least two fronts: production and consumption.

I steadfastly believe that many fundamental elements of content marketing will remain human-driven—particularly strategy and collaboration (which is a big part of what makes great content).

These require nuance, emotion, tact, and—well, humanity.

That said, AI will soon handle many technical content marketing functions proficiently. This brings opportunities.

It's a non-stop job to keep up with it all, but I'm excited to figure out how AI tools can be bundled into frameworks and systems that help streamline processes, improve outputs, and generate better value for Talemaker clients.

I've even gone down fantastical rabbit holes about how we might be able to create simple AI browser agents to automate specific content marketing tasks (this is probably a long way off, but it's always fun to think blue sky and keep the imagination moving).

2. Adapting to how AI impacts content consumption

On the consumption side of things, I'm fascinated by how AI will impact how people consume content.

We're already seeing these changes taking place.

​Google is using generative AI​ in its search results, altering how content needs to be written and optimized. ChatGPT might become a go-to tool for people doing top-of-funnel research or discovery. And that's just to name a few.

I've had the privilege of having conversations with some smart people in our industry about these topics, and these changes are something I'll be actively keeping an eye on.

3. Pivoting to account for how people engage with content in 2025 and beyond

The types of content people consume and engage with and how they engage with it change constantly.

I'm working to identify and test the best new content opportunities that might benefit you and your business.

4. Leaning more heavily into email marketing

If you've been following along for a while, you've probably noticed the emphasis I've been putting on email marketing lately.

That's because, in the unique coworking marketing landscape, email is incredibly effective and often underutilized.

For both existing and prospective clients, I'll be encouraging a more email-oriented approach in conjunction with other content marketing functions.

5. Broadening our scope to provide a more 360° approach

Content marketing works best when it's not happening in a silo. I believe in the value of an integrated, well-rounded strategy, and my goal is to expand our capabilities to provide more comprehensive solutions and better client results.

I'll share more on that front as Talemaker's eighth year progresses.

6. Limiting client engagements

I've always been someone who wants to help as many clients as possible, but sometimes, creating a real impact comes from depth, not breadth.

For the year to come, I'm putting a cap on the number of new clients we engage at any given time.

With so much change taking place, my mission is to focus on fine-tuning our process and methodology in collaboration with a select few clients who share our vision.

7. Staying in love with the work

Change is the only constant. Things get overwhelming. Inspiration isn't always on tap. But, like you, everything I do is rooted in a passion for supporting my clients' success. That's what will keep me on point and moving forward—for the next seven years and beyond.

Thank you to all of you who have supported Talemaker since 2018. And for those of you I've yet to work with, I can't wait for the chance to do so.

We've only got a few spots left for new clients this year. If you're looking for help in using email marketing to grow your coworking business, book a free consultation with us today.