Your content should cause FOMO

Have you heard the term FOMO before? If not, it stands for “Fear Of Missing Out.” And when it comes to attracting new members, it’s a powerful tool. So, you should be purposely using your content to create it.FOMO is your coworking space’s equivalent of scarcity--and scarcity drives sales.You want your prospective members to feel like, by not working at your coworking space, they’re missing out on an incredible experience...

  • They’re not enjoying amazing amenities
  • They’re not part of an incredible, close-knit community of inspiring, like-minded professionals
  • They’re not spending their workdays in a place that empowers and inspires them to do better in their careers and be happier in their personal lives
  • They’re missing out on fun and helpful member events
  • They’re spending time being anywhere but in the one place that’s made for people just like them

And who wouldn’t want all of those things?Creating this sense of FOMO requires only that you talk proudly and loudly about what makes your space incredible. This can include:

  • Creating niche content that positions your space as a go-to hub for a specific demographic
  • Building a great brand and culture that people buy into and sharing it widely (case in point: Project Spaces’ hats and hoodies)
  • Profiling your members
  • Showcasing your community and events
  • Highlighting unique features of your space
  • Demonstrating the perks and benefits you offer to members
  • Sharing member success stories
  • Talking about amazing things to do in your neighborhood or city
  • Sharing testimonials from current members

The possibilities are endless. It all comes down to knowing what makes your space incredible, who will love it, and why.Then, all you need to do is focus on creating content that shows it for all to see. Creating a sense of FOMO will make your existing members feel like they’re in the inner circle and make non-members want to be part of it all.