Without a platform, your space is invisible (1 of 3)

Throughout the next few articles, I’m going to talk a bit about content platforms, including why you need them, which ones to choose, and how to use them.In his book Platform, Michael Hyatt makes one thing pretty clear: Your ideas, stories, and brand need a place to live if you’re going to succeed. Without a platform—something that enables you to get seen and heard by your ideal member—you don’t have a chance. The truth is that having an awesome product, outstanding service, or great cause is no longer enough. You need to get proactive in sharing it. This comes down to three factors:

  • How will you tell your stories
  • What will your core content type be
  • Where will you tell these stories, what channel will you choose to tell your stories?

In the next couple articles this week, I’ll dive a little bit deeper into this.