What are your members really buying from you?

I read something recently and it brought to mind an interesting question: do you know what your members are actually buying from you? The answer comes down to your understanding of the commodity you sell vs. the product your members buy–and it can be the difference between content marketing success and failure. To paraphrase and repurpose a passage from Michael E. Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited

  • The commodity is the actual thing you sell–workspace, meeting space, administrative services, and community
  • The product is how your commodity makes people feel–productive, inspired, motivated, included, empowered and supported to do their best work, and like they’re part of something exclusive

The truth is that people are less attracted to the commodity than they are to the product. Ultimately, they buy on feelings. So, what does this mean for you? Much the same way that desires and motivations are equal parts different and connected, so are the commodity you sell and the product your members buy.You’re not just selling a workspace. You’re selling a feeling, an experience, and a lifestyle.And to understand the feeling and experience your members are longing for, you need to deeply understand their characteristics, including...

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Family status
  • Education
  • Profession
  • Challenges
  • Questions
  • Goals

When you can connect the commodity you sell to the product your members want to buy and communicate it all in the right ways, you’ll have members lining up at your tour to sign up. And that’s the power of great content.