Want more members? Focus on aspirations, not just pains.

When it comes to creating content—whether it’s your blog articles, email newsletters, or your website—it’s important to acknowledge your ideal member’s challenges (i.e. their pains) and explain how your space helps solve them.For instance, this could be to address their loneliness or lack of productivity when working from home.But focusing on pain points can’t be your only approach.There’s another piece of the puzzle and it’s incredibly important: their aspirations. This would include things like how they want themselves or their business to be perceived or the growth they’d like their company to achieve.To really make a connection, you need to get a deep understanding of who they want to be and where they want to go.Then, you need to explain how your coworking space will help them get there.Focusing on pain points is important. But it only gets you so far.So, make sure you take a multifaceted approach.