The two tales of your coworking space

Your coworking space has two stories: the one you tell about yourself, and the one other people tell about you. The one you tell about yourself comes in the form of your marketing, advertising, and content. But the one that other people tell about you comes in the form of word-of-mouth. Believe it or not, word-of-mouth is responsible for 13% of all sales. It drives $6 trillion in annual global spending. And it’s one form of marketing that you, as a business, can’t directly control. Instead, it taps into the power of social proof to offer your coworking space a ton of credibility through third-party endorsements.Think about it...

  • People will only talk about your space if they truly value it and believe in its value
  • When people hear about your space from someone in their network, they know that person has already vetted it and given their stamp of approval

Here’s the good news: while you can’t directly control word-of-mouth, you can certainly take steps to influence it.And you can do this by giving people something worth talking about. This includes creating an incredible member experience, fostering an outstanding community and culture, and hosting top-tier events. But it can also be done through your content marketing.This includes…

  • Creating blog content of such high value that people want to share it with others
  • Developing a newsletter that’s so good, people want to forward it to others
  • Leveraging “member-generated content” to get your members involved in telling your story
  • Building connections with your local community by featuring businesses or people in your content

It’s important to ensure you’re telling a compelling story about yourself. But it’s equally important to focus on giving your audience so much value that they feel inspired to tell a positive story about you to their friends, family, colleagues, and professional network.