Don’t ask me why this quote popped into my head the other day, but it did…“When you stand for nothing, you fall for everything.”If I'm being honest, the quote itself feels a bit too melodramatic to have any practical application in my life.But I do appreciate the general sentiment it offers: one of upholding some principle that you believe deeply in.The way I see it, the quote's rooted in knowing yourself, your values, and what really matters to you. These are important intrinsically, but also in building connections with others.And that got me thinking about the importance of coworking spaces knowing and talking about what they stand for.See, your space (like any great brand) needs to stand for something. It needs to have principles and values and pillars.And you need to articulate and communicate them with people.Your values help guide and inform your decisions, your brand voice and personality, and even what you say and how you say it. They’re central to your purpose.But they also help people connect with your space and your brand, and even with you as an operator. I know I sound like a broken record repeating Simon Sinek's wisdom so often, but...People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And your values are a reflection of that.Your values could be things like being…
Whatever your values are, they should be honest and authentically yours. And once you have them defined and articulated, share them where they can be seen and make sure they’re reflected in every piece of content you create and every direct or indirect interaction you have with your audience.Because people trust brands that share their own values. And trust helps turn leads into members.