Overcoming creative vulnerability

I’ve been writing in one form or another for my entire life, and there’s one thing that never truly changes: the vulnerability of the creative process.It’s a super personal thing, even when it’s done in a professional capacity. To this day, sometimes I find writing tough because it means putting myself out there and hoping someone likes it. Even when it’s on behalf of someone else, it’s still my thoughts and words I’m putting out into the world.And there’s no defined right or wrong when it comes to writing either. It’s subjective. And that opens you up to critique.Sometimes I even get nervous sending things to my clients despite knowing it’s great, simply because I got in my own head.This makes me think: if the process is this challenging to me as someone who does this for a living, imagine how hard it must be for coworking space operators who force themselves to write to support their business but might lack the confidence in their writing skills.So, for any operators who handle their own writing, I have a few messages.First, good for you for simply going through the motions.Second, don’t worry. Because as much as you might open yourself up to subjectivity and critique, you also open yourself up to relatability. To appreciation. To people being on the same page.Your page.And lastly, try not to be trigger shy. Eventually you just have to fire away with what you feel is right. In the words of legendary marketer Seth Godin: eventually you’ve gotta just ship it.