Numbers don't lie. Or do they?

You’ve heard the expression: numbers don’t lie.Or do they?While they might not lie, they can certainly mislead, in some cases.Take social media, for example. It’s easy to obsess over the number of followers you have. But if those followers don’t engage with your content, how much value do they really offer?Or, consider your email list. You might have 5,000 subscribers but if none of them open your emails, then who cares?Personally, my email list is modest: I have under 100 subscribers but on average, more than 50% of you open every email I send.So here’s my point: don’t just take numbers at face value. Examine what they mean. Because your goal shouldn’t be to get more subscribers or followers--it should be to build a community.And at the end of the day, a community of 100 engaged people is going to have bigger benefits for your business than a list of 1,000 disengaged ones.