Most people have no idea what you do

The other weekend, I was at a family brunch at my parents’ house.I saw a cousin I hadn’t seen in a few years and, as we were catching up, she asked me what my business was.“Content marketing,” I told her.In return, she gave me a puzzled look and asked me to explain--as people usually do.When I layered in that I specialized in coworking spaces? That needed a whole other explanation.And while I was driving home, I couldn’t help but think:Most people don’t usually understand what exactly I do for work. But somehow I still expect them to, every time.And the reason I expect people to get it is because I’m so close to it all the time. I’m familiar with it and therefore assume everyone else should be too.But that’s not really the case. The average person doesn’t have a clue about content marketing. And, unless they work in a relevant industry, why should they?This applies to your coworking space as much as it does to my content marketing.It’s likely people aren’t familiar with it for the simple reason that because they haven’t really been exposed to it yet.And that’s why the onus is on us to talk about it. To educate people about it. To share the benefits of what we offer and the ways that our services can make people’s lives and jobs easier and better.It’s the reason why I write these emails, create blog posts, and publish on social media.And it’s the reason why a content strategy will help you bring in new members:By expanding the surface area of your business, there’s a better chance that people will bump into you. And when they do, you can educate them about what a coworking space is, and why your space is the right solution for them.If we’re not getting proactive in telling people about what we do, who will?Grab the bull by the horns and let everyone know your story.