Kind of both but sort of neither

I recently took an interesting content marketing-related course. It was chock-full of case studies, videos, interviews, and examples.In general, they all focused on either B2B or B2C marketing.That got me thinking: which of those categories do coworking spaces fall into?And the answer I landed on was this: “kind of both but sort of neither.”Weird, right?But it’s interesting because it highlights the importance of taking a tailored approach to how you market your space.In one sense, your space is a B2B service because it’s tailored toward the businesses that will work there.In another sense, it’s B2C because there’s an end-user who ultimately benefits from it.But there’s another key part of coworking that these categories don’t account for: the human element.So, rather than thinking about marketing your space as B2B or B2C, consider approaching it from the standpoint of being B2P: Business to People. Just like your coworking space--and the benefits it offers to members--people are multifaceted.Remember the difference between the commodity you sell and the product your members buy?

  • The commodity is the actual thing you sell–workspace, meeting space, administrative services, and community
  • The product is how your commodity makes people feel–productive, inspired, motivated, included, empowered and supported to do their best work, and like they’re part of something exclusive

And they’re both equally important. But they don’t always fit easily into the box of B2B or B2C.So, instead of creating content for businesses or consumers, create content for people.For your people. Your ideal members.In my opinion, that’s how you’ll really connect with your ideal members.