14 ways to get better click-through rates in your emails

When it comes to email marketing for your coworking space, open rates get a lot of attention. But click-through rates (CTRs) are even more important.


Think of it this way: what's the point of having huge open rates if nobody reading your emails is taking action?

After all, that's the whole point of your email—getting people to take action, whether it's to:

  • Book a tour
  • Get in touch
  • Purchase a self-serve product like meeting rooms or day passes
  • Read your blog content
  • Explore your membership options

And, if nobody clicked through on those CTAs, then what was the value of your email?

In this article, we'll dive into 14 simple things you can to do boost your CTRs to help your email marketing generate the ROI you're looking for.

Before we dive into the tips, let's cover a few fundamentals.

What is Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Your click-through rate is the percentage of people who click a link in your email out of the total number of people who receive it.

It can be calculated with this simple formula:

Click-Through Rate (CTR) = (Clicks ÷ Deliveries) × 100

Don't worry—your email marketing service will calculate this for you, so you won't have to crunch the numbers on your own.

What is a good Click-Through Rate (CTR) for the coworking industry?

While the "industry standard" CTR varies by industry, anywhere from 2.2% to 3% is a great CTR for the coworking/flexible office world.

But it's also important to consider that CTRs will also vary depending on the type of business you run within the flex industry.

So, in order for the tips we'll share later in this article to be impactful, you need to make sure your emails check a few key boxes. Click here to read more about that.

14 ways to boost your email marketing CTRs

While the quality and contents of your emails are essential, there are some simple things you can do to help make your email CTAs more clickworthy.

1. Focus on One CTA Per Email

Clarity drives action. Ensure each email has a single goal—whether it’s booking a tour, signing up for a free trial, or reading your blog content. When you give readers too many choices, they’re likely to pick none. A clear, singular call-to-action (CTA) will make it easier for your audience to engage with the email.

2. Use Button CTAs

Call-to-action buttons are visually compelling and intuitive. Use buttons for your primary CTAs, such as "Book a Tour," or "Get in Touch," "Book a Meeting Room," or "Read the Article" to encourage clicks. Text links are suitable for secondary actions but make sure they don’t compete with the main button.

3. Pass the Squint Test

Design your emails so that readers can easily identify the important elements, even if they’re just skimming. If you squint at your email and can still spot the CTA button, your design is effective. Bold headings and large, colorful buttons help guide readers to take action.

4. Maintain Consistency with Your Brand

Your emails should mirror the branding of your website and your space to build trust and recognition. Use consistent logos, colors, fonts, and tone in all email communications, so readers instantly recognize who the email is from and associate it with your brand.

5. Simplify Your Layout for Easy Reading

A well-structured layout can guide readers to your CTA more effectively. Use simple, clean designs that follow a natural reading pattern, like the F-pattern, where the eye moves horizontally and then vertically. A clear headline and easy-to-read text will help your message stand out.

6. Create Urgency and Scarcity

Adding urgency to your emails, such as promoting limited-time offers or exclusive access to a coworking event, can drive immediate action. Use phrases like “Only a few spots left” or include countdown timers to encourage readers to take quick action.

7. Optimize for Mobile Devices

Since many people check emails on their phones, design emails with mobile in mind. Use a single-column layout, large fonts, and easy-to-click buttons. Compress images for fast loading times to ensure a seamless experience across all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Pro tip: In most email marketing platforms, your campaign report will show you the splits between how much of your audience viewed your email on desktop vs. mobile.

8. Include High-Quality Images with Alt Text

Visuals play a big role in engaging your audience. Use high-quality images, like photos of your coworking space—especially those with people in them—or community events, to capture attention. Always include alt text for images so that even if they don’t load, your message remains clear.

9. Segment Your Email List Based on Behavior

Improve engagement by targeting specific groups within your email list. For example, you can segment based on visitor behavior, like people who toured your space but didn’t sign up. Sending personalized messages to different groups increases the likelihood of conversions.

10. Utilize a P.S. Section for Extra Impact

A postscript (P.S.) at the end of your email can be surprisingly effective. It’s the perfect spot to reinforce your main message, offer a reminder, or include an additional CTA. Readers who skim through the email will often pause to read this section, making it a great place to include a last-minute nudge.

11. Test Different Versions (A/B Testing)

Experiment with different elements of your emails to find what resonates with your audience. A/B testing allows you to compare subject lines, CTA buttons, or images to determine which version leads to more clicks and engagement. Use this data to continually improve your emails.

12. Include Social Sharing Options

Encourage readers to share your email with their network by including social sharing buttons. For instance, someone may forward a promo to a friend or share an event invitation on their social channels. This expands your reach and could lead to new members or collaborations.

13. Send Emails at Optimal Times

The timing of your email can influence engagement. Use data to determine when your audience is most active. Commonly tested times include mid-morning or early afternoon on weekdays, but experimenting with different times and days can help find the sweet spot for your specific community.

Pro tip: There's a good chance your email marketing service will be able to recommend these send times based on past engagement.

14. Include Social Proof

If you've got incredible testimonials, consider adding one into the footer of your email campaign to demonstrate to your recipients how you've helped other people like them.

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. But, in order for it to be successful, you need to make sure you're doing it right. Optimizing your emails with these 14 tips is a great way to create better results.

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