Here’s how long you should spend promoting blog articles

I’ve got a question for you: how much time do you spend promoting each blog article you write?The reason I ask is that how you answer that question directly affects the results you’ll see from your posts.If you write an article, publish it on your website, and do nothing more with it, you’re cutting it short of its full potential.Believe it or not, I spend more time promoting my articles than I do writing them.Because with each article I write, my process is to…

  • Publish it on my blog
  • Distribute it to my email list (as you’re seeing now!)
  • Create a condensed version to share on LinkedIn
  • Distill the article to its key points and create graphics to use share on Instagram

It takes me between 30 and 45 minutes to promote each article I write, and there’s still more I could be doing.So, if you want to get more traffic and more eyeballs on your blog articles, don’t sell it short. Make sure you’re taking the time to promote it as widely as you can.