Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, especially when it comes to your content. Stories are compelling because they give context and emotion to facts. They explain not only the what but also the why and how that caused it. They make it all feel authentic and organic rather than just promotional, in turn forging stronger, more organic connections with brands.From web copy to blog articles, email marketing campaigns, and social media, weaving in an element of storytelling is what makes it all resonate with people. But there’s a catch: you need to do it with purpose. And that purpose should be to inspire action from your target members.I know I’m not getting points for originality here, but I wanted to share yet another insight from the book Storynomics that speaks to this: “To find your story’s target need, ask, ‘what is my customer’s pain? What does she need but not know? What hidden problem calls out for a solution?’...Then, design your target action....Consider what specific action you want your audience to take. If you're telling stories B2B, you might want your clients to sign a contract . . . If you offer a professional service, you might want customers to visit your website and make an appointment. If you run a branding campaign, the target action happens in the mind of the audience member as she goes from brand ignorant to brand aware ...Although these targets seem obvious, many promotions miss them by a mile. They don’t bother to define a purpose. Instead, they brag, they promise, they beg: buy now.”Anytime you’re creating content, do it from this perspective:
Purpose-driven storytelling inspires your target members to take action, and that’s what gets them in your doors.