How to create coworking email content that drives higher click-through rates

In the flexible office industry, email marketing can be a powerful tool for driving engagement and converting leads.

That said, crafting the right email content is crucial to ensuring your recipients not only open your emails but also click through to take action. If your content doesn't connect with your audience, they won't click through, and your efforts will all be for naught.

Whether you're a coworking operator looking for new members, a landlord seeking management agreements, or a service provider offering tools to the flexible office industry, there are essential considerations for your email content that will increase your click-through rates (CTR).

Let’s explore some practical tips for crafting emails that inspire action, tailored to each audience segment.

Tips for coworking operators looking for new members

If your goal is to bring in more members to your coworking space, the content of your emails should directly address their needs.

Here’s how you can create emails that are relevant, compelling, and actionable:

Relevant offers

Your email content needs to align with the specific interests of your recipients. For example, promoting private offices to someone who is only interested in a coworking desk wastes both their time and yours.

This is why segmenting your email list is essential.

By sending the right offers to the right audience—whether it’s for a free coworking day, discounted memberships, or private office deals—you’re more likely to see higher engagement.

Compelling offers

Your recipients need a reason to care. Whether you’re sharing a value-driven blog post or promoting a limited-time offer, your content should provide them with tangible benefits. For instance, offering a free trial week or a significant discount can capture attention and lead to higher click rates.

Reasonable requests

The actions you’re asking people to take should be easy and rewarding. Asking for too much too soon can deter engagement. For example, it's unlikely your reader is going to immediately sign up for a private office without having seen your space first. So, a more reasonable ask would be to book a tour so you can begin the sales process in person.

Locally relevant content

Coworking spaces are inherently local, so your emails should reflect this. If you’re promoting a private office, your target audience should be within a commutable distance.

If you're offering meeting spaces, include people who may be traveling to your city.

Segmenting based on geography and proximity will help ensure your emails feel relevant and lead to clicks from potential new members who are truly interested.

Tips for operators looking to partner with landlords

When you’re aiming to build management agreements with landlords, your email content should speak directly to their business needs. Here’s how you can drive higher CTR among this audience:

Value proposition

Landlords want to know how partnering with you will benefit their bottom line. Emails should highlight how a coworking space can increase property value, reduce vacancy rates, or create a steady income stream. Clearly outlining the business benefits can be the difference between a click and an ignored email.

ROI focus

Incorporating return on investment (ROI) is key. Landlords are driven by financial results, so show them how a management agreement with your coworking space can maximize rental income or optimize underutilized space. Providing specific numbers or examples of success stories can enhance your email's credibility.

Case studies and success stories

Case studies can be a powerful motivator. Sharing stories of other successful partnerships—without naming competitors—will help landlords envision the potential of a management agreement. The more tangible and relatable your examples, the more likely landlords are to click for more details.

Industry Credibility

Trust is vital in these partnerships. Establishing your expertise and showcasing your track record will increase the likelihood of engagement. Whether it’s highlighting premium office space experience or the strength of your current portfolio, make sure your email speaks to your industry credibility.

Tips for companies selling tools, tech, or services to flex operators

If your company provides services or tech tools to coworking operators, your email content needs to highlight how your solution solves common pain points. Here’s how to craft content that service providers can use to drive clicks:

Address pain points

Emails that speak directly to a problem coworking operators face—like managing space utilization, improving member retention, or streamlining operations—are more likely to engage your audience. Make sure your subject lines and content address these challenges upfront to capture their interest.

Demonstrate value with ROI

Coworking operators and landlords want to know how your tools will make their lives easier or their businesses more profitable. Offering case studies or ROI projections like “How Our Software Helped [Client] Increase Retention by 30%” can make your offer more compelling and drive clicks.

Feature highlights with solutions in mind

Rather than listing all your product’s features, focus on how those features solve problems specific to the flexible office industry. For example, instead of just mentioning you have CRM integrations, show how that feature helps operators streamline member onboarding or track member interactions seamlessly.

Free trials or demos

Offering a free trial or demo is one of the most effective ways to increase CTR. Flexible office operators are more likely to engage with your email if they know they can test out your product risk-free. For example, “Start Your Free 14-Day Trial and See How We Can Boost Your Space Utilization” is a strong call-to-action that prompts immediate interaction.

Industry-specific content

Emails tailored to the flexible office industry will always outperform generic marketing content. Including references to trends, case studies, and insights specific to coworking will resonate more with your audience and make your content feel relevant. Personalized content that reflects their world can dramatically improve click-through rates.

Educational value

If your product is complex or technical—such as an LMS or analytics software—offering educational resources like webinars, guides, or how-to videos can significantly boost engagement. Phrases like “Download Our Guide to Improving Member Experience” or “Watch Our Webinar on Optimizing Coworking Operations” provide value upfront, encouraging clicks.

In email marketing, your content has the power to make or break your click-through rates. By creating relevant, value-driven, and targeted content for your specific audience—whether it’s prospective members, landlords, or service providers—you can drastically improve your email engagement. The key is to know your audience, address their pain points, and offer them content that feels personalized and actionable.

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