Companies don’t buy services, people do

I had a thought the other day and it made me think about both your coworking space and my content marketing business…Would you consider your coworking space a B2B or B2C business?For me, I’m marketing myself to coworking spaces but, really, what that means is that I’m marketing myself to the people who help run coworking spaces.The same could be said for you. After all, the professionals who work in your space either own or work for businesses. But at the same time, the service you offer is experience-driven. That is to say, the person using your space--the customer--is the one who most stands to benefit. Businesses benefit as a byproduct. And that also got me thinking…Companies and businesses don’t buy services. People do.Sure, they might buy a service on behalf of a business. But, ultimately, it’s a person who gives the final yay or nay.This highlights an important point: as much as you need to build a business case for why coworking spaces will benefit your target member’s company, you also need to appeal to the decisionmaker on a personal level.You need to forge an organic, emotional bond with that person--whether it’s a solopreneur or the CEO of a business looking for space for their satellite team. And great content marketing will do that for you. Your what builds the business case.Your why forges the personal connection.And your content is the vessel that packages it all together and delivers it in a way that gets members in your doors.