I spend a lot of time talking about why you should do content marketing for your coworking space but, in fairness, there are also some reasons why you shouldn’t.1. You’re looking for instant results: As Jon Buscall says, content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign. Content takes time to generate results--usually at least a few months--so it’s not going to pay off instantly.But it will have a significant and long-term payoff if you’re patient. 2. You’re not ready to do the prep work: You can’t just wing it with content marketing. It takes a ton of research and a deep understanding of your ideal member to create unique and targeted content that’s going to generate results. If you don’t have the time or bandwidth to handle this, then creating content won’t be worth the effort.But if you do, you’ll be able to create content that brings in new members, landlords, and brokers.3. You can’t commit to consistency: Effective content marketing requires you to show up consistently and to provide value. But it’s hard to keep up a consistent cadence, especially when it’s not your core function. If you can’t commit to creating content consistently, I’d recommend putting your efforts elsewhere.But if you can commit to a consistent cadence, you’ll build deep and fruitful organic relationships with existing and prospective members, landlords, and brokers over time. 4. You don’t have a goal in mind: Creating content without goals is like a doctor prescribing surgery without seeing the symptoms. You can’t cure what you haven’t diagnosed. Your content needs to start with a goal in mind. Then, you need to reverse-engineer your strategy to achieve it. If you haven’t mapped out your goals, you’re not ready to create content.But if you press pause, think on this, and map out a plan, you can create content that generates a quantifiable return on investment for your coworking space.5. You don’t have bandwidth to promote content: If you want your content to be seen, you need to be ready to promote it. Publishing content on your blog and leaving it alone won’t get you anywhere. But promoting content takes time and dedication. And if you can’t make that commitment, it may not be worth your while.But if you can commit to consistently promoting your content in the right places in the right ways, you’ll supercharge its reach and gain the awareness of an exponential number of net-new eyes and potential members, landlords, and brokers.Content marketing is an incredibly valuable tool for coworking spaces. But it takes time, effort, and commitment. You can start small and work your way up, but it’s important to make sure you’re ready to do it right.